Avishay Ben-Zvi
2009-08-05 09:01:01 UTC
I wrote an excel VSTO application that includes two projects (in the same
solution). Add-in project and a Template project.
In the Add-In I added an event that will be registered by the template as
// Delegate for the event.
public delegate void MyEventDelegate(object sender, EventArgs e);
//Interface to the exposed COM.
public interface IMyObject
void eventDelegate(string sMessage);
// Event interface
public interface IMyObjEvent
void MyEvent(object sender, EventArgs e);
// Finally... The object itself
public class MyObj :
StandardOleMarshalObject, IMyObject
public event MyEventDelegate eventDelegate;
internal void FireEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (eventDelegate != null)
eventDelegate(sender, e);
public void MyFunc(string sMessage)
MessageBox.Show("Client passed " + sMessage);
In ThisAddin.cs I overrided RequestComAddInAutomationService in order to
receive instance of the object.
private MyObj m_oMyObj = null;
protected override object RequestComAddInAutomationService()
if (m_oMyObj == null)
m_oMyObj = new MyObj();
return m_oMyObj;
In my template project (actually in one of the worksheet’s active) I tried
to add handler to the eventDelegate event:
object sAddinEventName = "ExcelAddIn1";
COMAddIn pAddin = Application.COMAddIns.Item(ref sAddinEventName);
object objAddin = pAddin.Object;
if (null != objAddin)
objAddin.GetType().InvokeMember("MyFunc", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,
null, objAddin, invokeArgs);
EventInfo[] pAllEvents = objAddin.GetType().GetEvents();
EventInfo peInfo = objAddin.GetType().GetEvent("eventDelegate");
MyEventDelegate pAddSiteEvent = new MyEventDelegate(EventCode);
//peInfo.AddEventHandler(objAddin, pAddSiteEvent);
object[] invokeArgs = {"123"};
objAddin.GetType().InvokeMember("MyFunc", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,
null, objAddin, invokeArgs);
objAddIn receive the instance to the object. InvokeMethod works!!! But
adding event handler to the event delegate failes.
pAllEvents displays 0 events and obviously has null value after GetEvent was
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
I wrote an excel VSTO application that includes two projects (in the same
solution). Add-in project and a Template project.
In the Add-In I added an event that will be registered by the template as
// Delegate for the event.
public delegate void MyEventDelegate(object sender, EventArgs e);
//Interface to the exposed COM.
public interface IMyObject
void eventDelegate(string sMessage);
// Event interface
public interface IMyObjEvent
void MyEvent(object sender, EventArgs e);
// Finally... The object itself
public class MyObj :
StandardOleMarshalObject, IMyObject
public event MyEventDelegate eventDelegate;
internal void FireEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (eventDelegate != null)
eventDelegate(sender, e);
public void MyFunc(string sMessage)
MessageBox.Show("Client passed " + sMessage);
In ThisAddin.cs I overrided RequestComAddInAutomationService in order to
receive instance of the object.
private MyObj m_oMyObj = null;
protected override object RequestComAddInAutomationService()
if (m_oMyObj == null)
m_oMyObj = new MyObj();
return m_oMyObj;
In my template project (actually in one of the worksheet’s active) I tried
to add handler to the eventDelegate event:
object sAddinEventName = "ExcelAddIn1";
COMAddIn pAddin = Application.COMAddIns.Item(ref sAddinEventName);
object objAddin = pAddin.Object;
if (null != objAddin)
objAddin.GetType().InvokeMember("MyFunc", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,
null, objAddin, invokeArgs);
EventInfo[] pAllEvents = objAddin.GetType().GetEvents();
EventInfo peInfo = objAddin.GetType().GetEvent("eventDelegate");
MyEventDelegate pAddSiteEvent = new MyEventDelegate(EventCode);
//peInfo.AddEventHandler(objAddin, pAddSiteEvent);
object[] invokeArgs = {"123"};
objAddin.GetType().InvokeMember("MyFunc", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,
null, objAddin, invokeArgs);
objAddIn receive the instance to the object. InvokeMethod works!!! But
adding event handler to the event delegate failes.
pAllEvents displays 0 events and obviously has null value after GetEvent was
Any idea what I am doing wrong?